Tuesday, April 14, 2009

lazy blogger

As I have said previously, I am fairly sure nobody reads this, so I don't think anyone will notice that I haven't posted anything in nearly a month.

I could say I have bee really busy but that isn't entirely true. I mean, I have been KIND OF busy, but no more than usual. Working a bit, uni, etc etc. The year of the 21st birthday parties is upon me so I have been more social than usual, but apart from that I am just lazy. 

The Easter weekend just passed, and I mainly just went to work, which is awesome because they pay us double-time-and-a-half on public holidays (Saturday and Monday) and we aren't even open on Good Friday or Easter Sunday so there are two guaranteed days off. On Easter Sunday I went down to Wilsons Promontory for the day with my family. Wilsons Prom is the national park that is most southern point of the Australian mainland. It is really quite beautiful, even though there is quite significant bushfire damage. There were lots of people camping there for the long weekend. I really am not the camping type, especially there, I mean there is a mini supermarket, takeaway shops, a police station, a post office and even an outdoor cinema...it's hardly the wilderness, why don't people just stay in cabins and whatnot? It would be a lot easier and cleaner, I think. Well why anyone would camp anywhere is beyond me, but especially when it's practically in civilization, I don't see the point. 

Anyway, I'm going to try to post photos.

Can't figure out the photos.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

24th March, 2009

Today was a loooong but generally good day.
The morning was pretty stressful, I had to be in the city by nine am for the forum, so I had to get an 8 o'clock train. But when I got to the station at 7:45, there were no car parks! Nor were there any car parks at the next two stations! As I was running out of time to get the train, I decided to drive to uni and park there to get the train from Caulfield. I was going to drive into the city but I hate driving in the CBD and also parking is really really expensive. So I got to Caulfield (by this time it was about 8:40, massive amounts of traffic) and went to buy a parking ticket thing, put my $4.50 in change in the machine, but no ticket printed out! I was in such a rush and I got so mad, plus I didn't have another $4.50 in coins to buy another ticket with (who carries around $9 in change? not me). So I called the council on the phone number that is written on the ticket machine and explained the situation, not wanting to get a parking fine. They were surprisingly helpful and cool about it, got my details etc and told me to leave a note with the transaction number of the call on it for the parking inspectors. So I quickly left a note and ran to the station. I am never usually late for anything so when I am, it is very stressful for me.

Of course I JUST missed a train, but I got on one soon enough, that luckily was an express train that got me to Flagstaff at about 9:05. Since registration was at 9 o'clock, I ran to the building and ran to make a lift trip up to the fifth floor. When I got there finally, there was hardly anyone there! Turns out registration STARTED at 9 and the actual forum started at 9:20. Oh well, I guess at least I got some exercise? The forum was okay, the first speaker was really dull but the others were quite good, and I understood 99% of what they were talking about, so that felt pretty good. 

After the seminar I met up with le boy for a long walk (I am quite the active one today, I probably spent at least 2 hours of today either walking or running) and some lunch in the park. There were 4 army helicopters that kept flying over us (Dad says they're training or something) that made it feel a bit like downtown Baghdad, but apart from that it was a nice afternoon.

At 4:30 I went to Melbourne University to meet up with one of my best friends who I haven't seen for ages, Stacey. Actually, she is probably my best friend tied with Casey. Anyway, we walked (see?) down to Brunswick street and had a cup of tea in a Russian-ish cafe, then jumped on the tram to go to a Moroccan soup kitchen for dinner. It looked sooo good and smelt amazing, but there were no tables and they estimated a wait of an hour! I don't think so. So we got straight back on a tram going in the opposite direction and went back to Brunswick street. We headed to the ever trusty Vegie Bar for some food. Vegie Bar has the most AMAZING mushroom risotto ever, I have never tasted better anywhere in the world. They also have some damn fine berry cheesecake. Stace and I shared both, for we are ladies and not eating machines. I had planned to head back to Caulfield by around 8 o'clock but that didn't happen, I walked Stacey home via a friends house to deliver a message, then she put some new music on a cd for me, showed me her amazing new boots, and then SHE walked ME to the train station. She lives in this amazing apartment that is so close to everything, you can walk anywhere from her place. Yet again, I missed a train by about 30 seconds, and I was slightly concerned because the train line in question (Frankston) is slightly suss and I've never been on it at night before, certainly not by myself....I told you I am a wuss.

Anyway, I eventually got back to Caulfield (in one piece, the Frankston line is fine) and thank goodness, no parking ticket. I drove home and my mother had put all the crap that was on my bedroom floor on my bed so I couldn't go to sleep without cleaning it up, how very thoughtful of her. Now I am in bed, and I am going to go to sleep.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today I woke up feeling totally gross, which was a shame considering I was feeling so good when I went to sleep yesterday. So I didn't go to uni, instead I planned a solid day of study and finishing assignments, because this week is going to be a busy one. Of course very little work actually got done, because as I mentioned earlier, my sister dislocated her arm or something on the weekend. So she was at home all day too, distracting me with music videos etc. I did make a substantial dent into the assignment that I thought was due on Wednesday, then I discovered that it is in fact not due until Friday! Horray! So now instead of finishing it while I'm on a roll, I will probably wait until late Thursday night to do it just because I do that kind of thing.

I also broke my spending ban today, but I do believe that the purchase was an investment. I just bought a pair of bright pink patent Doc Martens, which I have wanted for soo long! I'm so excited to get them, I will be wearing them all winter long. Casey won't be happy though, he's a bit anti-me-getting-doc-martens but he will survive. He wears boat shoes (which I was against) so now we will be even.

Another thing that happened today was I made dinner for my family, which seems to be a reoccurring Monday night event. Today I made meat balls with a tomato sauce and pasta. It looked totally gross and I was a bit nervous about eating it but it was actually really good, I am quite pleased with myself. The best thing about me cooking dinner though is that I also get to pick the desert (we hardly ever have desert at my house) so I always get custart tart, because I LOVE IT.

Tomorrow I am going to a forum about physical activity in the workplace, as I have landed myself a volunteer job with Moreland Community Health Service, working on a project that is based on, yes, physical activity in the workplace. I'm a bit nervous because everyone else there will probably be professional health...people, and I am a mere student, but I think it will be good. Assuming I understand what they talk about.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I'm a hater. I hate leggings. They look hideous far more often than not, and I am the first one to pull an involuntary repulsed look when I see someone wearing them as pants. Not only do I find them ugly and too revealing, but I think it is disrespectful to the people around you to wear them. Do you not care enough about your company that you even bother to put on some real pants? But today, I am wearing leggings. I am sitting at home doing an assignment (that I thought was due Wednesday but is actually due Friday, horray!) and I am wearing leggings as pants. In my defense, nobody is home except me, and when I went out to get some supplies from Coles I changed into jeans. I still feel a bit guilty though.

A good Sunday.

Today I had a really really excellent day. I woke up at my lovely boyfriend's house, he slightly hung over, me not at all. We slept in and hung out for a bit, discussed some pretty exciting things that may be happening to us in the not-so-distant future, and of course, what we should do with our Sunday off. I got to choose because I just did. And this is how our day went.

We strolled casually to the train station because we had plenty of time. I enjoyed this because the weather was nice and I don't really like running. We caught the train in to Melbourne Central, where we each got a hideously unhealthy brunch/pre-lunch, then we made our way to David Jones on Burke Street. See, there is this handbag that I have wanted for about a year now, and they are currently having a sale on 'selected' handbags by this brand, and I wanted to go and see if 'my' bag was on sale. The regular RRP is $499 and I was willing to pay about $300 at the most. Of course it wasn't on sale, so I was a bit disappointed. We continued on to Genki because Casey was interested in buying a teeshirt, but we soon discovered that they don't make them for boys.

After all that we walked to the AQUARIUM, which is what I had chosen to do on this fine Sunday afternoon. I felt a bit guilty at first for dragging Casey there because I don't think he was that keen on it and entry was really expensive! But oh well, we went anyway, and it was the best. The first exhibit you see is the new penguin antarctica thing. There were four Emperor penguins who were clearly the leaders of the pack, and probably about 15 regular penguins, and they were so amazing. Watching them swim around was so cool, they are so graceful and beautiful in the water which I really didn't expect....they kind of just cruise around. I could have watched them all day. After the penguins we saw all kinds of different sea creatures. Like a million different kinds of fish, some scary giant crab/lobster things, frogs, spiders, star fish, eels, everything. My favourites were the jellyfish because they are so beautiful, and the fish that kind of look like unicorns. 

We timed the trip somehow to coincide with seeing some scuba divers feeding the fish in the main tank thing, which has SHARKS and GIANT RAYS and TURTLES in it. One of the turtles was being annoying and trying to eat all the food from the divers' bucket so he just grabbed it and carried it around under his arm like it were a newspaper or something, and went on feeding the others. The giant rays (seriously they were so huge, like the size of a large floor rug at least) looked like they were hugging him trying to get him to feed him, and at that point I was a bit scared. When we were in Port Douglas about five years ago my uncle stepped on a sting ray and it shot its' barb right into his foot and it was pretty bloody and painful for him, so they scare me a bit. I'm just a total wuss though, I'm scared of most creatures (except penguins). 

Once we had finished with the aquarium, we headed back to the CBD to get some lunch, and again lucky timing, there was a Thai food + culture festival on in Federation Square. I LOVE Thai food!! There were about a billion people around but eventually I got my hands on some green curry and roti bread, Casey got some basil chicken with rice, and we sat on the grass and ate it and were very happy. Then I saw someone with pofertjes (am I spelling it right? those little dutch pancakes?) so of course I had to have some too because I love them. I lined up for ages to get them but they were so worth it, they were delicious. Once I had finished those we headed back to Burke St to go to Myer because I wanted a penguin figurine as a souvenir. I didn't really like any of the ones they had at the aquarium. They didn't have any but we strolled around for a bit, looked at some stuff, but I didn't buy anything because I am trying to save up some money.

On the way home I fell asleep with my head on Casey's shoulder and I woke up with a very sore neck. We strolled back to his house from the station and then I drove back to my house. We had a very Sunday-night-ish dinner that was excellent, as well as leftover pear-upside-down cake from last night (it was my cousins birthday, I don't know how we ended up with the leftover cake, but score, anyhow). My sister hurt her shoulder pretty badly on Saturday so we all sat around feeling sorry for her for a bit, then I went off to do some homework. Of course I didn't do any, now I'm too tired to start it, I think I will go to bed and get a good nights sleep.

Today was one of those days when I just feel like everything is so good. I'm so lucky, and so happy right now.

p.s. right now the possum outside my window sounds like he/she is being tortured, seriously it is making the most awful sounds

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cooper and I, 10th March 2009

I was trying to do this before but it wouldn't work! Let's see how this goes

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tenth of March

Lately I have been talking about that 'Baby Borrowers' show that has been on the Lifestyle channel, and last night was the second installment. Much to my relief, the real parents of the babies used on the show had constant view of their kids via camera and could step in at any time to give advice (although they weren't supposed to if they could avoid it) or to take their children away if they thought their well-being was at risk. Well one of the couples had their baby taken away on the first day after they just left it in the house with the nanny (who was supervising them to make sure they didn't break the baby I guess?) alone. It was a really interesting social study, to see how the kids (all the teenagers involved were roughly 18) handled the situation. Oddly to me, it seemed like most of the boys were doing a lot of the work rather than the girls...I kind of assumed it would be the other way around. Personally, my boyfriend doesn't like babies so I know if we had to look after one I would be doing everything. 

This morning my sister and I got some baby experience of our own! Not actually having to look after one, but we got to play with Cooper for an hour and we had lots of fun. He likes me more than Eliza by the way.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Can't sleep.

I've been in bed for about 4 hours now, and I just can't sleep. I'm not even that tired. I want to sleep, I need to sleep, but I just can't. I have a tute for "Foundations of Health" at 9am tomorrow, and I think I will struggle to remain awake though the whole thing.

I haven't posted for a while, which I'm sure doesn't matter because I'm about 99.99% sure that nobody reads this. Here is a thought. Why do you put a percentage sign after a number and a dollar sign before the number? Is there a reason why it is different?

I started my new course on Monday, and so far it is going quite well. I'm doing Health Science by the way, and in that four subjects. Human Structure and Function is basically Anatomy and Physiology (I don't know why they don't just call it that? University types, pff) is by far the hardest. I knew I would struggle with it though, and in a weird way that is kind of why I chose to do it. After doing arts last year and finding myself very unmotivated thoughout most of it, I thought it might be better to try something more challenging, something that would FORCE me to do some work and try harder to learn. I know that I can't just bullshit my way through this one, so hopefully I will actually do it and not fail the subject all together.

The other subjects I'm doing are called 'Foundations of Health', 'Health Sociology' and 'Introduction to Research in Health Science'. I thought that research one would be really boring but I had the seminar for it on Wednesday (yeah it doesn't have any lectures or tutes, just one 3-hour seminar per week? Odd) and it was really quite enjoyable. I've enjoyed all my subjects so far, and all my teachers have been nice. For the first time I have female university teachers, which is also something. Something else new is that I have managed to make some friends, I think. Well I've had people to talk to at least, which makes things more bearable. I find making friends difficult so I'm really happy on that front.

I think over the last year or so I have become a lot more socially withdrawn than I used to be. I find myself not really wanting to be around many people anymore, just the people closest to me. I don't really like going out partying etc anymore, I get really nervous, anxious and self conscious unless I am confident that I will know everyone there very well. I think that has a lot to do about my shocking social life at uni last year, it fell way short of my expectations and quite simply, people just weren't very nice.

I'm going to try and sleep again, Dad will be mad if I'm not ready to go when I said I would be (7:15! oh no). I think it's kind of funny that my Dad is taking me to uni. Well he's actually taking me to his work and I am getting the train to uni from there, because it is only about 3 or 4 stations away. But still, it is kind of funny and cute. I wonder if we will stop for muffins on the way like we did when I was at school.

Oh and by the way, I bought some really cool jeans the other day. They are soo comfortable and I thought they made my legs look a bit fat but now I don't think they do.

Goodnight, hopefully

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Baby Borrowers

I'm watching this show on the Lifestyle channel where they've got 4 roughly seventeen year old couples from around England and chucked them into a 'real adult' life, with their own house, a low paying job and soon they're going to get babies. Eventually they get toddlers, then kids, then teens etc. It's an interesting show, but for some reason I'm focused on...who would lend their children to this show? I mean for these idiot teenagers to look after?!

I started uni today, it went pretty well. The subject is hard but I really tried to understand everything and eventually I did, and it was really satisfying. We learnt about Homeostasis, the nervous system and the endocrine system. 

It's going to be really hot tomorrow, another high bushfire risk day. Even though we don't live in a bushfire prone area, it's still unnerving and I'm a bit tired of it all. Bring on winter, I say.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Academy Awards 2009

At the moment I'm sitting on the couch, still in my jammies, watching the red carpet part of the 2009 Academy Awards. I'm not even really interested in the awards themselves, but I do very much enjoy seeing all the gowns and jewels. So far I like Sarah Jessica Parker's dress the best, I guess I will post more later...and pictures if I can figure out how!

Friday, February 20, 2009

this week.

Well another week has gone by, and I have posted nothing again. It was a very quiet week.

I'm starting to get very nervous about uni, starting all over again (...again), and I have a feeling this new course is going to be a lot harder than the one I did last year. I'm going to have to put in a lot of work. I'm willing to do it though, it's not like I really have a social life to sacrifice anyway. 

I've had a good time with the boy this week. We went into the city together on Tuesday (I hardly ever go into the city, it's far away and I'm very lazy) to go shopping and have a nice lunch, then when we got home we went for a walk because the weather was so great. Then on Thursday after dinner I went to his house for a sleep over and we ended up taking his cousin from Tasmania out for a cocktail (passionfruit vodka martinis, my favourite) at Cookie. It was nice to lie in bed together with nothing to do this morning, before I had to make a mad dash to my orthodontist because the wire behind my teeth broke last night while I was eating a taco.

Been working a bit more this week, I've never been so grateful to work at Coles after last week. On Sunday I worked at the Good Vibrations festival at the bar, and it was one of the worst days of my entire life. I accepted the shift thinking it might be fun, the atmosphere would be good and I might get to see Fatboy Slim, right? WRONG. It was AWFUL! I didn't get to see any of the artists I wanted to see, my bar was situated next to some stage that had just clubbing-type music, and the thud of the repetitive base line all day really caused significant headaches all around. In the 10 hours that the festival went for, there were probably 8-10 DJ sets there and they all pretty much mixed exactly the same songs. Boring. Also I did an 11 hour shift and I was only given one half hour break! They are SLAVE DRIVERS, I tell you. The senior staff there are also quite racist, I might add, I really felt like I was treated a lot better than the rest of the staff by them, and I'm fairly sure it's because I was the only white person working at the bar. Most people that work for the company in question are international students from India and that general area. Anyway the way the supervisors treated everyone made me very uncomfortable and I will not be working there again.

Monday, February 16, 2009

this week

I haven't posted much later, which probably doesn't matter because I don't think anyone reads this, but anyway...

It has been a sad week for Victoria. Even though I have not been directly affected by the recent bush fires, I have found that the tragedy has really gotten to me. Every night since last Sunday I have had nightmares about fire, mainly ones where I have to flee my home. I've been paranoid about knowing exactly where all my most important possessions are just in case something happens. In reality, the affected areas are nowhere near where I live, but I've found myself worrying that the Dandenongs might go up, and although even in that case there would still be little threat to me, I think I would want to feel prepared and ready to go. On Friday morning and last night there were fires up there but they were put out quickly, it did force a lot of smoke into our area though. I don't know, I just can't stop thinking about it all.

On the upside, on Friday all the Coles stores in Australia pledged to donate all of their profits to the Bush Fire Appeal, and our sales for the day were about $326,000 (to give some perspective, on a normal Friday we would usually do around $150,000). I don't know what percentage of that is profit (my dad thinks approximately 5%), but even so it was really good thing of them to do. It was good, as a staff member, to see the public make the effort to change their plans to ensure their money went to a good cause. Even though it was insanely busy, I didn't feel bitter towards all the customers like I often do on days like that (i.e. Christmas Eve). For the record, I usually feel bitter because mainly when that happens it's right before a significant day or, God forbid, a day we are closed, and I feel like people could just be better organised and less annoying in general.

I don't really feel like writing today.

Monday, February 9, 2009

what a weekend.

As I said in my last post, Saturday was Victoria's hottest day on record, and there were massive bush fires all over the state. It is now confirmed that over 100 people have died as a result, and that figure is expected to at least double as more burnt out houses are inspected over the next few days and weeks. I am absolutely shocked and horrified at what has happened. Everyone is saying that is just happened so quickly, and you can see amazing footage of it on the news. So much damage and destruction in such a short time, it's devastating. I can't imagine what it must be like for the 700+ families that have lost their homes, to have everything you've worked so hard for just literally go up in smoke like that must be the worst feeling in the world. And the killer thing is, they are the lucky ones because unlike some, they are alive. 

Bush fires in Victoria are not uncommon but this is just incredible, I don't really know what to say, I am so shocked and amazed and the sheer devastation of it all. I am also very surprised that the Dandenong Ranges didn't have a major fire, as it has at least two or three times in my living memory. Lucky for us, because at the rate these fires were burning who knows what could have happened in our community. 

My sympathies to out to those affected. I feel like I want to help in some way but I don't really know what I can do so I will just donate money. I just really hope that the firefighters manage to control the remaining fires soon and no more destruction takes place.

What a weekend.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Oh and I forgot to add, it was totally uncool that none of the customers laughed at my hilarious nuclear holocaust jokes today. I had three trolleys completely full of gourmet cheese and they were all "what's going on?" and I was sick of explaining that the fridges were off so I said "I'm just preparing for a nuclear holocaust, I really like cheese" (in an entirely joking tone) and they didn't really seem to find it funny at all. Losers, I am hilarious.

Saturday, the hottest day in Melbourne's history.

It was the hottest day ever recorded in Melbourne today, it got to above 46 degrees Celsius at one point (that's 114 degrees Fahrenheit in case you'd like to know), but I was inside at work the whole time. It was insanely busy in the morning as to be expected, from 8:30 it was pretty flat out. I did expect it to thin out in the afternoon though and it did, although not significantly. It was still really hot inside the store, especially out the back because we kept having to open the big roller doors to take loads. It was also about 28 degrees in the service area, hotter on the registers behind those fridges. So everyone was pretty cranky and not in the mood for the insane amounts of customers that we weren't really prepared for. I know they're only trying to make conversation and be nice, but it gets old pretty quickly when every single customer tells you that you're better off at work in the 'cool'. I know it was cooler than it was outside, but they don't realise how hot it is as we were all working pretty hard, it does tire you out and the heat was making it worse. Anyway the shit really hit the fan at around 3pm, when every single fridge in the store (except for the ones in front of the registers, go figure) stopped working. So I had to help get all of the cheese and yoghurt out of the fridges and into tubs to be taken to the other Coles that had functioning fridges. It was pretty hilarious actually, everyone was soo fed up that it was a bit of a joke.

I was planning on going out tonight but I'm tired and hot. I watched some episodes of season 3 of Entourage, ate some of my favourite biscuits that I had to go all the way to Safeway for (don't sell them at Coles), drank a big bottle of San Pellegrino and that is pretty much it. 

Oh and we have booked our flights and accommodation for Hong Kong! We leave late on Wednesday the 23rd of September, I am so excited! 

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Lately I've been thinking about how lucky I am, and how much I take everything I have for granted. Sure, some crappy things have happened to me over the years, but nothing really compared to some people. I'm going to try to be more appreciative these things in the future.

I have two parents who love me and each other and would do just about anything for me.
I have an amazing boyfriend whom I love and who loves me most of the time.
I have a big extended family that is very close, and who always have been and always will be there for me if I ever need anything.
I have a job, and an income that allows me to be comfortable.
I've had, and will continue to have so many opportunities, especially where my education is involved. I was very lucky to get into a good school which allowed me to thrive and have a real interest in learning, and this has made me the person I am today. I have been allowed to start one university course, decide that perhaps it wasn't for me, and start a new one. I will have the opportunity to go back to the old one if the new one doesn't work out.
I live in a country where I have easy access to food, water, shelter, electricity and medical care should I require it.
I don't have many friends, but the ones I do have are pretty cool.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I hate work.

Oh and p.s. I only got ELEVEN hours TOTAL at work next week. I've been doing 30-35 a week and now ELEVEN? I knew it would die down in February but this is just ridiculous.
So it looks like I will get the government 'economic stimulus' handout, hopefully. If I do, I will give it it my parents and halve my remaining Europe/laptop debt, yay!

Work last night was so shitty, I was in a bad mood because it was hot and I had a headache and I got really into 'The Sims' in the afternoon and didn't want to stop playing it to go to work. It was one of those nights when I was actually getting mad at customers who don't use correct grammar, and really mad at the ones who don't say 'please' and 'thank you'. How hard is it really? One man came in and was all like "Give me two five dollar notes" (from his ten). How rude! If he had have asked nicely and said please I would have done it for him, but because he was so rude I said we weren't allowed to do that (which technically is true). Note to everyone: being nice really does get you better service, especially at my register. 

Apparently it was a dramatic afternoon in the store though. Lately the store has been losing heaps of money through people giving the wrong change etc, and yesterday someone was watching all the check-out chicks (and chaps) via the cameras over our registers and they were watching one girl like a hawk apparently, I don't know why. Anyway they saw her accidentally (I'm sure it was an accident) give someone $100 too much in their change. She got sent home and all her shifts for he rest of the week cancelled. What annoys me though is that apparently the way the grocery man (I don't think he's actually the grocery manager, but he acts like he is the king of the place and orders us all around, I can't stand him) spoke to her was absolutely appalling and she was really upset. I'm not surprised at all, this guy is the most arrogant, condescending fuckwit I have ever met. I mean I actually find it hard to tolerate him and act nicely towards him, and that is very unlike me. I just can't stand him! I hope the girl or our manager files a complaint against him. I know that other people have in the past so maybe it will convince someone that he is better suited to another store, or better, to a different job with a different company.

Sorry, I needed a bit of a rant. Today I am going to Casey's and we are going to cook something delicious again, so I'm not going to eat breakfast to save room. Yeah!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So today the federal government unveiled a massive economic stimulus package, which involves billions of dollars to be given out to just about everyone, to schools, into infrastructure etc. You get a $950 pay-out if you payed any income tax in the 07-08 financial year or qualify for youth allowance. I did pay tax but I think I may have gotten it all back, and I do qualify for youth allowance but I only just handed in all the supporting documents and stuff last week, so I don't think I qualify? I'm so disappointed, I was going to put that money towards paying my parents back for the cash they leant my while I was in Europe. I know that isn't how the government wants us to spend it but in a round-about way the money would eventually go back into the economy. I'm eager to go and find my tax return to see if I paid any tax now, but it is 1:27am and my tax return is in the filing cabinet which is in the garage. Tomorrow morning, then, I will either be very happy or really annoyed.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lately I have just been working a lot, I haven't really minded it all holidays, but I'm getting really sick of it now. Only four or so weeks until uni goes back, I start my new course and can stop working so much. Also, I will be getting youth allowance so I will have to work even less! Finally! It was insanely hot last week, around 42-44 degrees every day for three or four days in a row. We were all a bit paranoid that the power failures were going to affect us but thank goodness they didn't, and we had air conditioning the whole time. The pool also got a decent work-out, but in the process I have discovered that I may be allergic to chlorine. Nothing much happening this week, just the usual. 

Today, though, I spent the day at Casey's house. We spent most of the morning trying to decide what to do (made more difficult by the fact that both of us are broke), and in the afternoon we made ourselves Chili Con Carne (cooking was what we decided to do). First of all, let me just say that Ivanhoe Coles is the best supermaket ever. Way way better than my own Coles were I slave away most days. Anyway the chili was amazing! We will definitely be making it again soon.  Coincidentally, while we were eating it we found an article about chili in todays Age (Epicure), and I never knew that they were so interesting! It was full of stories about people that eat so much chili that they temporarily loose their hearing/go into a trance etc. Crazy! I was going to stay at Casey's house but I came home, and now I can't remember why. 

Oh and another thing that happened today, my Marc by Marc Jacobs flats that I ordered from net-a-porter last week finally arrived! I was so excited! I opened them up and saw that they are indeed just as pretty in real life as they were online, but when I tried them on, oh no! They're too small. Which is so so so disappointing! Really, I am shattered. Also confused, because my other M by MJ flats are only half a size bigger and they are slightly too big for me. These babies are a 37.5 and they are even too small for my mum, who is a 37 usually. What's going on Mr Jacobs? That is a picture of them above (I can't figure out how to move the picture down here? oh well), but this makes them look more orange-red, when in real life they are bright fire-engine style red. Damn damn damn. I really like these shoes.


So, the blogging thing hasn't really been successful for me. But lately I've been reading Matt Logelin's blog and it is so well written and interesting that I have decided to give it another go. I may not have a very interesting story to tell, but I guess, in time, interesting things my happen in my life and make this a better read. 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

continuing with new years resolution-esque things

Yesterday I went for a run, AND I have decided that I am also going to be way better with money this year. I have everything I need and much more, there is really no need for me to keep myself in debt by buying heaps more stuff that I don't have the space for. It's looking like I may qualify for youth allowance soon too, so that may help in clearing this damn debt. My aim is to have paid back my parents by the end of the year...it will be difficult but I think it will be well worth it. Then the year after I can blow my cash on whatever I want and not feel guilty about it. Maybe.

I went to the beach for a few days last week to get away from work for a bit and it was so good and relaxing, I really needed a few days off. Ah well, starting work again at 6am tomorrow so I better go to sleep.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

creepy cool

Today I read an article that said studies have shown that when a woman sees her baby smile, she gets a high that shows the same brain function as if she were taking some kind of drug, and the high is equally as addictive. I think it's really interesting, and when I mentioned it to my mother, she said it is definitely true. It made me look forward to having kids someday, but also made me wonder why some people still spend all their money on mind-enhancing drugs when they could just have a kid, look at them and get the same effect...plus you'd get the baby bonus so everybody wins, the same feeling but with a lot more cash flowing in the right direction! Everybody wins. Except for drug dealers.

A new activity for 2009.

I never seem to follow my new years resolutions, but one of mine this year was to start (and regularly maintain) a blog. The other was to be a better student, and I hope the two do not conflict with each other! It shall be a blog of thoughts and whatnot, boring to most, probably. So welcome, and I hope to see you soon.