Tuesday, April 14, 2009

lazy blogger

As I have said previously, I am fairly sure nobody reads this, so I don't think anyone will notice that I haven't posted anything in nearly a month.

I could say I have bee really busy but that isn't entirely true. I mean, I have been KIND OF busy, but no more than usual. Working a bit, uni, etc etc. The year of the 21st birthday parties is upon me so I have been more social than usual, but apart from that I am just lazy. 

The Easter weekend just passed, and I mainly just went to work, which is awesome because they pay us double-time-and-a-half on public holidays (Saturday and Monday) and we aren't even open on Good Friday or Easter Sunday so there are two guaranteed days off. On Easter Sunday I went down to Wilsons Promontory for the day with my family. Wilsons Prom is the national park that is most southern point of the Australian mainland. It is really quite beautiful, even though there is quite significant bushfire damage. There were lots of people camping there for the long weekend. I really am not the camping type, especially there, I mean there is a mini supermarket, takeaway shops, a police station, a post office and even an outdoor cinema...it's hardly the wilderness, why don't people just stay in cabins and whatnot? It would be a lot easier and cleaner, I think. Well why anyone would camp anywhere is beyond me, but especially when it's practically in civilization, I don't see the point. 

Anyway, I'm going to try to post photos.

Can't figure out the photos.

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