Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So it looks like I will get the government 'economic stimulus' handout, hopefully. If I do, I will give it it my parents and halve my remaining Europe/laptop debt, yay!

Work last night was so shitty, I was in a bad mood because it was hot and I had a headache and I got really into 'The Sims' in the afternoon and didn't want to stop playing it to go to work. It was one of those nights when I was actually getting mad at customers who don't use correct grammar, and really mad at the ones who don't say 'please' and 'thank you'. How hard is it really? One man came in and was all like "Give me two five dollar notes" (from his ten). How rude! If he had have asked nicely and said please I would have done it for him, but because he was so rude I said we weren't allowed to do that (which technically is true). Note to everyone: being nice really does get you better service, especially at my register. 

Apparently it was a dramatic afternoon in the store though. Lately the store has been losing heaps of money through people giving the wrong change etc, and yesterday someone was watching all the check-out chicks (and chaps) via the cameras over our registers and they were watching one girl like a hawk apparently, I don't know why. Anyway they saw her accidentally (I'm sure it was an accident) give someone $100 too much in their change. She got sent home and all her shifts for he rest of the week cancelled. What annoys me though is that apparently the way the grocery man (I don't think he's actually the grocery manager, but he acts like he is the king of the place and orders us all around, I can't stand him) spoke to her was absolutely appalling and she was really upset. I'm not surprised at all, this guy is the most arrogant, condescending fuckwit I have ever met. I mean I actually find it hard to tolerate him and act nicely towards him, and that is very unlike me. I just can't stand him! I hope the girl or our manager files a complaint against him. I know that other people have in the past so maybe it will convince someone that he is better suited to another store, or better, to a different job with a different company.

Sorry, I needed a bit of a rant. Today I am going to Casey's and we are going to cook something delicious again, so I'm not going to eat breakfast to save room. Yeah!

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