Thursday, March 5, 2009

Can't sleep.

I've been in bed for about 4 hours now, and I just can't sleep. I'm not even that tired. I want to sleep, I need to sleep, but I just can't. I have a tute for "Foundations of Health" at 9am tomorrow, and I think I will struggle to remain awake though the whole thing.

I haven't posted for a while, which I'm sure doesn't matter because I'm about 99.99% sure that nobody reads this. Here is a thought. Why do you put a percentage sign after a number and a dollar sign before the number? Is there a reason why it is different?

I started my new course on Monday, and so far it is going quite well. I'm doing Health Science by the way, and in that four subjects. Human Structure and Function is basically Anatomy and Physiology (I don't know why they don't just call it that? University types, pff) is by far the hardest. I knew I would struggle with it though, and in a weird way that is kind of why I chose to do it. After doing arts last year and finding myself very unmotivated thoughout most of it, I thought it might be better to try something more challenging, something that would FORCE me to do some work and try harder to learn. I know that I can't just bullshit my way through this one, so hopefully I will actually do it and not fail the subject all together.

The other subjects I'm doing are called 'Foundations of Health', 'Health Sociology' and 'Introduction to Research in Health Science'. I thought that research one would be really boring but I had the seminar for it on Wednesday (yeah it doesn't have any lectures or tutes, just one 3-hour seminar per week? Odd) and it was really quite enjoyable. I've enjoyed all my subjects so far, and all my teachers have been nice. For the first time I have female university teachers, which is also something. Something else new is that I have managed to make some friends, I think. Well I've had people to talk to at least, which makes things more bearable. I find making friends difficult so I'm really happy on that front.

I think over the last year or so I have become a lot more socially withdrawn than I used to be. I find myself not really wanting to be around many people anymore, just the people closest to me. I don't really like going out partying etc anymore, I get really nervous, anxious and self conscious unless I am confident that I will know everyone there very well. I think that has a lot to do about my shocking social life at uni last year, it fell way short of my expectations and quite simply, people just weren't very nice.

I'm going to try and sleep again, Dad will be mad if I'm not ready to go when I said I would be (7:15! oh no). I think it's kind of funny that my Dad is taking me to uni. Well he's actually taking me to his work and I am getting the train to uni from there, because it is only about 3 or 4 stations away. But still, it is kind of funny and cute. I wonder if we will stop for muffins on the way like we did when I was at school.

Oh and by the way, I bought some really cool jeans the other day. They are soo comfortable and I thought they made my legs look a bit fat but now I don't think they do.

Goodnight, hopefully

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Just thought I'd let you know there is someone reading you blog :)

    Oh and I think the same thing about % and $, Mainly because we say 20 dollars and 20 percent not dollars 20...

    Haha ok well I'm going to keep reading.
