Monday, February 9, 2009

what a weekend.

As I said in my last post, Saturday was Victoria's hottest day on record, and there were massive bush fires all over the state. It is now confirmed that over 100 people have died as a result, and that figure is expected to at least double as more burnt out houses are inspected over the next few days and weeks. I am absolutely shocked and horrified at what has happened. Everyone is saying that is just happened so quickly, and you can see amazing footage of it on the news. So much damage and destruction in such a short time, it's devastating. I can't imagine what it must be like for the 700+ families that have lost their homes, to have everything you've worked so hard for just literally go up in smoke like that must be the worst feeling in the world. And the killer thing is, they are the lucky ones because unlike some, they are alive. 

Bush fires in Victoria are not uncommon but this is just incredible, I don't really know what to say, I am so shocked and amazed and the sheer devastation of it all. I am also very surprised that the Dandenong Ranges didn't have a major fire, as it has at least two or three times in my living memory. Lucky for us, because at the rate these fires were burning who knows what could have happened in our community. 

My sympathies to out to those affected. I feel like I want to help in some way but I don't really know what I can do so I will just donate money. I just really hope that the firefighters manage to control the remaining fires soon and no more destruction takes place.

What a weekend.

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