Tuesday, March 24, 2009

24th March, 2009

Today was a loooong but generally good day.
The morning was pretty stressful, I had to be in the city by nine am for the forum, so I had to get an 8 o'clock train. But when I got to the station at 7:45, there were no car parks! Nor were there any car parks at the next two stations! As I was running out of time to get the train, I decided to drive to uni and park there to get the train from Caulfield. I was going to drive into the city but I hate driving in the CBD and also parking is really really expensive. So I got to Caulfield (by this time it was about 8:40, massive amounts of traffic) and went to buy a parking ticket thing, put my $4.50 in change in the machine, but no ticket printed out! I was in such a rush and I got so mad, plus I didn't have another $4.50 in coins to buy another ticket with (who carries around $9 in change? not me). So I called the council on the phone number that is written on the ticket machine and explained the situation, not wanting to get a parking fine. They were surprisingly helpful and cool about it, got my details etc and told me to leave a note with the transaction number of the call on it for the parking inspectors. So I quickly left a note and ran to the station. I am never usually late for anything so when I am, it is very stressful for me.

Of course I JUST missed a train, but I got on one soon enough, that luckily was an express train that got me to Flagstaff at about 9:05. Since registration was at 9 o'clock, I ran to the building and ran to make a lift trip up to the fifth floor. When I got there finally, there was hardly anyone there! Turns out registration STARTED at 9 and the actual forum started at 9:20. Oh well, I guess at least I got some exercise? The forum was okay, the first speaker was really dull but the others were quite good, and I understood 99% of what they were talking about, so that felt pretty good. 

After the seminar I met up with le boy for a long walk (I am quite the active one today, I probably spent at least 2 hours of today either walking or running) and some lunch in the park. There were 4 army helicopters that kept flying over us (Dad says they're training or something) that made it feel a bit like downtown Baghdad, but apart from that it was a nice afternoon.

At 4:30 I went to Melbourne University to meet up with one of my best friends who I haven't seen for ages, Stacey. Actually, she is probably my best friend tied with Casey. Anyway, we walked (see?) down to Brunswick street and had a cup of tea in a Russian-ish cafe, then jumped on the tram to go to a Moroccan soup kitchen for dinner. It looked sooo good and smelt amazing, but there were no tables and they estimated a wait of an hour! I don't think so. So we got straight back on a tram going in the opposite direction and went back to Brunswick street. We headed to the ever trusty Vegie Bar for some food. Vegie Bar has the most AMAZING mushroom risotto ever, I have never tasted better anywhere in the world. They also have some damn fine berry cheesecake. Stace and I shared both, for we are ladies and not eating machines. I had planned to head back to Caulfield by around 8 o'clock but that didn't happen, I walked Stacey home via a friends house to deliver a message, then she put some new music on a cd for me, showed me her amazing new boots, and then SHE walked ME to the train station. She lives in this amazing apartment that is so close to everything, you can walk anywhere from her place. Yet again, I missed a train by about 30 seconds, and I was slightly concerned because the train line in question (Frankston) is slightly suss and I've never been on it at night before, certainly not by myself....I told you I am a wuss.

Anyway, I eventually got back to Caulfield (in one piece, the Frankston line is fine) and thank goodness, no parking ticket. I drove home and my mother had put all the crap that was on my bedroom floor on my bed so I couldn't go to sleep without cleaning it up, how very thoughtful of her. Now I am in bed, and I am going to go to sleep.

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