Sunday, March 22, 2009

A good Sunday.

Today I had a really really excellent day. I woke up at my lovely boyfriend's house, he slightly hung over, me not at all. We slept in and hung out for a bit, discussed some pretty exciting things that may be happening to us in the not-so-distant future, and of course, what we should do with our Sunday off. I got to choose because I just did. And this is how our day went.

We strolled casually to the train station because we had plenty of time. I enjoyed this because the weather was nice and I don't really like running. We caught the train in to Melbourne Central, where we each got a hideously unhealthy brunch/pre-lunch, then we made our way to David Jones on Burke Street. See, there is this handbag that I have wanted for about a year now, and they are currently having a sale on 'selected' handbags by this brand, and I wanted to go and see if 'my' bag was on sale. The regular RRP is $499 and I was willing to pay about $300 at the most. Of course it wasn't on sale, so I was a bit disappointed. We continued on to Genki because Casey was interested in buying a teeshirt, but we soon discovered that they don't make them for boys.

After all that we walked to the AQUARIUM, which is what I had chosen to do on this fine Sunday afternoon. I felt a bit guilty at first for dragging Casey there because I don't think he was that keen on it and entry was really expensive! But oh well, we went anyway, and it was the best. The first exhibit you see is the new penguin antarctica thing. There were four Emperor penguins who were clearly the leaders of the pack, and probably about 15 regular penguins, and they were so amazing. Watching them swim around was so cool, they are so graceful and beautiful in the water which I really didn't expect....they kind of just cruise around. I could have watched them all day. After the penguins we saw all kinds of different sea creatures. Like a million different kinds of fish, some scary giant crab/lobster things, frogs, spiders, star fish, eels, everything. My favourites were the jellyfish because they are so beautiful, and the fish that kind of look like unicorns. 

We timed the trip somehow to coincide with seeing some scuba divers feeding the fish in the main tank thing, which has SHARKS and GIANT RAYS and TURTLES in it. One of the turtles was being annoying and trying to eat all the food from the divers' bucket so he just grabbed it and carried it around under his arm like it were a newspaper or something, and went on feeding the others. The giant rays (seriously they were so huge, like the size of a large floor rug at least) looked like they were hugging him trying to get him to feed him, and at that point I was a bit scared. When we were in Port Douglas about five years ago my uncle stepped on a sting ray and it shot its' barb right into his foot and it was pretty bloody and painful for him, so they scare me a bit. I'm just a total wuss though, I'm scared of most creatures (except penguins). 

Once we had finished with the aquarium, we headed back to the CBD to get some lunch, and again lucky timing, there was a Thai food + culture festival on in Federation Square. I LOVE Thai food!! There were about a billion people around but eventually I got my hands on some green curry and roti bread, Casey got some basil chicken with rice, and we sat on the grass and ate it and were very happy. Then I saw someone with pofertjes (am I spelling it right? those little dutch pancakes?) so of course I had to have some too because I love them. I lined up for ages to get them but they were so worth it, they were delicious. Once I had finished those we headed back to Burke St to go to Myer because I wanted a penguin figurine as a souvenir. I didn't really like any of the ones they had at the aquarium. They didn't have any but we strolled around for a bit, looked at some stuff, but I didn't buy anything because I am trying to save up some money.

On the way home I fell asleep with my head on Casey's shoulder and I woke up with a very sore neck. We strolled back to his house from the station and then I drove back to my house. We had a very Sunday-night-ish dinner that was excellent, as well as leftover pear-upside-down cake from last night (it was my cousins birthday, I don't know how we ended up with the leftover cake, but score, anyhow). My sister hurt her shoulder pretty badly on Saturday so we all sat around feeling sorry for her for a bit, then I went off to do some homework. Of course I didn't do any, now I'm too tired to start it, I think I will go to bed and get a good nights sleep.

Today was one of those days when I just feel like everything is so good. I'm so lucky, and so happy right now.

p.s. right now the possum outside my window sounds like he/she is being tortured, seriously it is making the most awful sounds

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