Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So today the federal government unveiled a massive economic stimulus package, which involves billions of dollars to be given out to just about everyone, to schools, into infrastructure etc. You get a $950 pay-out if you payed any income tax in the 07-08 financial year or qualify for youth allowance. I did pay tax but I think I may have gotten it all back, and I do qualify for youth allowance but I only just handed in all the supporting documents and stuff last week, so I don't think I qualify? I'm so disappointed, I was going to put that money towards paying my parents back for the cash they leant my while I was in Europe. I know that isn't how the government wants us to spend it but in a round-about way the money would eventually go back into the economy. I'm eager to go and find my tax return to see if I paid any tax now, but it is 1:27am and my tax return is in the filing cabinet which is in the garage. Tomorrow morning, then, I will either be very happy or really annoyed.

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