Saturday, January 10, 2009

continuing with new years resolution-esque things

Yesterday I went for a run, AND I have decided that I am also going to be way better with money this year. I have everything I need and much more, there is really no need for me to keep myself in debt by buying heaps more stuff that I don't have the space for. It's looking like I may qualify for youth allowance soon too, so that may help in clearing this damn debt. My aim is to have paid back my parents by the end of the will be difficult but I think it will be well worth it. Then the year after I can blow my cash on whatever I want and not feel guilty about it. Maybe.

I went to the beach for a few days last week to get away from work for a bit and it was so good and relaxing, I really needed a few days off. Ah well, starting work again at 6am tomorrow so I better go to sleep.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

creepy cool

Today I read an article that said studies have shown that when a woman sees her baby smile, she gets a high that shows the same brain function as if she were taking some kind of drug, and the high is equally as addictive. I think it's really interesting, and when I mentioned it to my mother, she said it is definitely true. It made me look forward to having kids someday, but also made me wonder why some people still spend all their money on mind-enhancing drugs when they could just have a kid, look at them and get the same you'd get the baby bonus so everybody wins, the same feeling but with a lot more cash flowing in the right direction! Everybody wins. Except for drug dealers.

A new activity for 2009.

I never seem to follow my new years resolutions, but one of mine this year was to start (and regularly maintain) a blog. The other was to be a better student, and I hope the two do not conflict with each other! It shall be a blog of thoughts and whatnot, boring to most, probably. So welcome, and I hope to see you soon.